Keep Version 0.5.1 Copyright (c) 2004, Darren L. LaChausse ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This program is released under the terms of the BSD license. Please refer to the included LICENSE file for more information. Background: ~~~~~~~~~~ keep is a program that keeps the files you tell it to and deletes everything else that is in the current directory. Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where the list of files in a directory that you want to keep is shorter than the list of files you want to delete. keep is a program designed for just such an occasion. Installing: ~~~~~~~~~~ To install keep on Fedora Core, Red Hat Linux, and other RPM-based Linux distributions: 1.) Download the binary RPM package. It will be a file of the form 'keep-x.y.z-1.noarch.rpm' where 'x', 'y', and 'z' are the major, minor, and micro version numbers, respectively. 2.) As 'root' type the following command: rpm -Uvh keep-*.noarch.rpm For all other UNIX and Linux-based operating systems: 1.) Download the source tarball package. It will be a file of the form 'keep-x.y.z.tar.gz' where 'x', 'y', and 'z' are the major, minor, and micro version numbers, respectively. 2.) Unpack the tarball you just downloaded using one of the following commands: tar zxvf keep-*.tar.gz or if that doesn't work: gunzip -c keep-*.tar.gz | tar xvf - 3.) Change to the directory you just unpacked using the following command: cd keep-* 4.) Now enter the following command to prepare keep for installation: perl Makefile.PL && make 5.) Optional: if you want, you can now perform some tests to make sure that keep will function properly on your system using this command: make test 6.) Now enter the following command as 'root' to perform the actual installation: make install Keep should now be installed on your system. For more information about how to use keep, please read the man page for keep using the following command: man keep Changes: ~~~~~~~ 0.5.1: - Running keep without arguments now displays a brief help message. This change was made in order to make keep behave more like traditional UNIX commands. (Thanks to Jonas Sundström for pointing this out!) Contact Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The author of this software, Darren L. LaChausse may be contacted by e-mail at . Any feedback, good or bad, would be very much appreciated. All bug reports should also be reported to this e-mail address. The latest version of this software is always available from: